My Calendar

Welcome to the Arizona Council of the Blind!

Below you will find information regarding our recurring meetings and social activities throughout the year. Please subscribe to our email lists to get Zoom information to join these calls (we promise we don’t have high traffic on these lists).

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Arizona Council of the Blind State Board Meeting
2nd Saturday of the month, (January, March, May, July, September, November)
9am Arizona Time

Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 857 150 5650
Passcode: 092354

Please subscribe to the AZ-Announce email list for agenda and Zoom information
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Central Arizona Council of the Blind Meeting (Phoenix area)
Business Meeting: 4th Thursday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November)
7pm Arizona Time
Social/Outing: opposite months: Time/Date/Event/Location TBD (February, April, June, August, Fall TBD)
Please subscribe to the AZ-Central email list for agenda and Zoom information
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Southern Arizona Council of the Blind Meeting (Tuscon area)
2nd Wednesday of the month
7pm Arizona Time
Please subscribe to the AZ-Southern email list for agenda and Zoom information
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Arizona Council of the Blind Member Meetup
3rd Monday of the month
7pm Arizona Time
Please subscribe to the AZ-Announce email list for Zoom information
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Monthly Support Group
4th Wednesday of the month
7pm Arizona Time
Please subscribe to the AZ-Announce email list for Zoom information
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Arizona Council of the Blind Game Night
TBD: Quarterly, usually on a Saturday evening
Please subscribe to the AZ-Announce email list for exact dates and Zoom information
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February 9, 2025

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